Singing for Peace on World Peace Day

Notre Père | Vater unser | The Lord’s Prayer | …
Saturday 21 September 2024

In terra pax – Homage to Peace
Eighty years ago, in 1944, Frank Martin was commissioned by Radio Geneva to compose the oratorio In terra pax. Upon completion a recording was made, to be broadcast on the day the war would come to an end. The world premiere duly took place on 7 May 1945. It was an indictment of war and a homage to peace, well fitting to the person of Frank Martin.
A homage to peace is no less relevant to our own time, and the Frank Martin Society is pleased to make a contribution. This year we also commemorate this Swiss-Dutch composer, who died fifty years ago.

Notre Père – Singing for Peace
The beautiful Notre Père for unison choir comes from the oratorio In terra pax. It is a simple and moving little piece of just some three minutes. As a homage to peace the Frank Martin Society calls on choirs throughout the world to perform the Notre Père in the weekend of the International Day of Peace (Saturday 21 September). On the Friday, Saturday or Sunday, whichever suits best. This can be done in all sorts of ways: in the street, concert hall or church, during an event or out walking. You can sing it a cappella or with piano or organ accompaniment. There is one central idea: in this weekend choirs throughout the world sing with one voice for peace.

Copies of the music
Choirs planning to join in can obtain the music free of charge using the form below. After receiving this, the Frank Martin Society will send a printable PDF to be used by your choir. This score includes an accompaniment for piano or organ. The vocal part is given in French, German and English (Notre Père / Vater unser / The Lord’s Prayer); please feel free to adapt it to any other language as required. The Frank Martin Society is most grateful to Universal Edition for its generous support of this project.

Something more?
In the oratorio In terra pax the Notre Père is preceded by a tenor solo to the text of the Beatitudes from the Gospel of Matthew, which focuses on Forgiveness (see below). It could be recited before the Notre Père, but feel free to present the music in some other way. The aim of the Frank Martin Society is to bring together choirs worldwide on the International Day of Peace by means of this beautiful invocation.

Spread the word!
Please forward this message to other choirs so that this hymn of peace can be heard across the globe. And if you like you can send a short film of your performance to We will give it a place on

Listen to a recording of Martin’s Notre Père, performed by the East Carolina University Chamber Singers conducted by James Franklin with organist Andrew Scanlon. This version can also be performed with piano. See below for more recordings. We would be happy to add your recording!

• If you wish to participate with your choir, please send us a message using the form below.

[Nederlands] Internationale Dag van de Vrede – 21 september 2024
Vooruitlopend op de beëindiging van de Tweede Wereldoorlog zette Frank Martin de voor velen zo bekende woorden van het Onze Vader op muziek, als onderdeel van zijn oratorium In terra pax. De Frank Martin Stichting roept koren over de hele wereld op om dit Onze Vader te zingen in het Vredesweekend van 21-22 september 2024.
Dezelfde woorden, dezelfde muziek, die mensen over de hele wereld verbindt in een groot verlangen naar vrede. Vooral nu.

Beluister een opname van Martins Notre Père, uitgevoerd door de East Carolina University Chamber Singers onder leiding van James Franklin met organist Andrew Scanlon. Deze versie kan ook met piano worden uitgevoerd. Onderaan deze pagina staan meer opnamen van dit werk. Jullie opname voegen we daar graag aan toe!

• Wilt u deelnemen met uw koor stuur ons dan een bericht via onderstaand formulier.

Contact form project Notre Père

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Béatitudes | Seligpreisungen | Beatitudes | Zaligsprekingen

Béatitudes (selon Matthieu 5, 3-12)
Heureux les affligés,
car ils seront consolés.
Heureux ceux qui pardonnent,
car il leur sera pardonné.
Heureux ceux qui apportent la paix
car ils seront appelés fils de Dieu.
Aimez vos ennemis, et priez pour
ceux qui vous persécutent.
Père, pardonne-leur, car ils ne savent ce qu’ils font.

Seligpreisungen (aus Matthäus 5, 3-12)
Selig sind, die da Leid tragen,
denn sie sollen getröstet werden.
Selig sind die Barmherzigen,
denn sie werden Barmherzigkeit erlangen.
Selig sind die Friedfertigen,
denn sie werden Gotter Kinder heissen.
Liebet eure Feinde, tut wohl denen,
die euch verfolgen.
Vater, vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun.

Beatitudes (from Matthew 5, 3-12)
Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the merciful:
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God.
Love your enemies, and pray for them
which despitefully use you, children of God.
Love your enemies, and pray for them
which despitefully use you, and presecute you.
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

Zaligsprekingen (uit Matteüs 5, 3-12)
Zalig zijn de treurenden,
want zij zullen getroost worden.
Zalig zijn zij die vergeven,
want zij zullen vergeven worden.
Zalig zijn zij die vrede stichten,
want zij zullen zonen van God heten.
Hebt uw vijanden lief,
en bidt voor hen die u vervolgen.
Vader vergeef het hun, want ze weten niet wat zij doen.

Selective list of recordings…